Eco friendly disinfecting/sanitizing agent effective against all types of microorganisms «Cold flame», destroying microorganisms



Devices AQUACHLOR-M is for the synthesis of oxidant solution used for disinfection of drinking water, wastewater, swimming pool water.


Devices Izumrud-Redox

Devices Izumrud-Redox is for producing water with antioxidant properties, cleaning fresh water from microorganisms, organic impurities, heavy metal ions, iron, manganese (Izumrud-500).


With the implementation of domestic research and production company "Delfin Aqua" projects focused on "green chemistry" and the use of their own development and the "know-how" in various industries and livelihoods:
- Sales of products, installations (AQUACHLOR, ECOCHLOR, Purifier, etc.);
- The creation of new products and equipment;
- Improving the efficiency and modernization of production;
- Research, developmental and technological works, grants;
- Training of employees.

Target products for retail chains, small, medium and large businesses both under its own brands, and through contract manufacturing.

Modern innovative disinfection: 1. Disinfection of household, industrial, mixed waste and recycled water.
2. The preventive and forced disinfection of farms areas, animal husbandry, poultry, fur enterprises.
3. Decontamination of transport (surfaces, floors, walls, seats, etc.), garbage trucks, container for collecting garbage.
4. Disinfection of industrial premises and technological equipment for the enterprises of agroindustrial complex and food industry including meat, poultry industry, on dairy farms, as well as containers for storage and transport of products of animal origin, and others.
5. Decontamination personnel clothes, linens, dishes microbiology laboratories.

Targeted products: Disinfecting, cleaning and disinfecting, cleaning and maintenance products based solutions for special purposes; processing aids.

Technologies: 1. Clean, air-conditioning, destruction of toxic organic and inorganic origin in the industrial, domestic and mixed waters;
2. Cleaning and disinfection of the water surface and groundwater sources for drinking purposes;
3. Treatment of industrial waste in order to derive the secondary resource (processing of metal waste, including precious metals);
4. Dissolution of the platinum group metals for subsequent refining;
5. Oxidation of cerium for the purpose of its allocation amount of REM (rare earth metals).

About Delfin Aqua

The company Delfin Aqua is an industrial infrastructure company that conducts turnkey projects and produces equipment, individually and in consortium with partners, provides a full cycle of engineering and consultancy services and works on projects in Russia and abroad such as:

  • design and construction of complex systems and water treatment plants and wastewater,
  • producing equipment and products for water treatment, water supply and for sanitary services in various industries and public utilities as standard or according to the parameters of customer’s request,
  • research, development and technological works and services.


Phone: +7 (495) 993-46-46, доб.6600

Adress: Russia, 115088 Moscow, 2nd Yuzhnoportovy fare, 35